Posted on Mar 13, 2017
Shelter Box Canada

Introduction of our speaker for our Mar. 13, 2017, was delivered by Rotarian Paul Kearley.

Eugene Lewis is a retired University of New Brunswick professor who has a concern for the environment, and since his retirement, he has been actively involved with humanitarian programs.

Eugene’s slide presentation focused on his work in Haiti before and after the earthquake. Eugene reported that 35,000 ShelterBox Canada were sent to Haiti after the earthquake. His work in Haiti led him to be asked to work for ShelterBox Canada.

Eugene had on display all the contents that go inside the ShelterBox Canada, which can sustain a family at times of crisis. Our Internet Club will be fundraising to raise funds to send to ShelterBox Canada.

Rotarian Harold Lowe thanked Eugene for his presentation.

Shelter Box Canada

ShelterBox samples

Shelter Box - Contents

ShelterBox contents