Posted on Jan 13, 2014
Chief Coroner

On Jan. 13, 2014, Robert D. introduced Chief Coroner Greg Forestell for New Brunswick to the Rotary Club members and guests. Greg spoke on the coroner service of the Province of New Brunswick and its works, investigations and inquests...

  • The origin of the service dates back to English Law dating back as early as 910 AD.
  • The purpose of the service is to protect the financial interest of the Crown by establishing the fact related to deaths.
  • Corners speak for the dead to protect the living.
  •  Coroner Services is an independent and publicly accountable investigation of death agency
  • Coroner Services is mandated to review all suspicious or questionable deaths in New Brunswick, conduct inquests as may be required in the public interest and do not have a vested interest of any kind in the outcome of death investigations. There are no fees attached to this service. 
  • Investigations follow where there is any reason to believe that a person died as a result of:
    • violence, misadventure 
    • negligence, misconduct, or malpractice
    • during pregnancy or following pregnancy in the circumstances attributable to the pregnancy 
    • suddenly and unexpectedly
    • from disease or sickness for which there was no treatment given by a medical practitioner
    • from any cause other than illness or natural causes require investigation; or under such circumstances as may require research.

Rotarian Wendy Osborne thanked Greg for his new information on the role of the Coroner in the Province of New Brunswick.