Posted on Jan 21, 2013
Classification Talk

On Jan. 21, 2013, our own Rotarian Wendy Osborne spoke to the Club about Classifications and classification ‘Talks”.

Rotary membership is by invitation, and one of the main guiding principles of Rotary is the Classification system. When Rotarians are asked to join a Rotary Club, they do so as a representative of their classification- their particular business or professional activity.

The classification process is used to ensure that not all clubs are the same and that there is a good cross-section of business and professionals to represent the community...

The board determines the classifications for the new member when inducted into Rotary.

Wendy also talked about how one way to broaden our knowledge of each other’s workplace is for members to share classification talks as part of the weekly meetings. Wendy handed out a list of classifications for our reference.

Wendy advised that she will arrange to have each member do a classification talk during the 2013 – 2014 Rotary year, which will help the members to get to know each other better, and the business they represent.