Posted on May 13, 2019
Jesse Dexter – Physiotherapist

Rotarian Julie Matthews introduced Jesse Dexter (standing) from Dexter Physiotherapy on Main Street as our guest speaker for May 13, 2019. Jesse is from Grand Manan Island but studied Kinesiology from the University of New Brunswick and then obtained his Master of Science in Physiotherapy from Dalhousie University...

Jesse Dexter works in an office, along with a chiropractor and a massage therapist. Jesse outlined the role of a physiotherapist in helping a patient to overcome pain. The first visit to a physiotherapist is always an assessment to determine the root cause. In most cases, a physiotherapist can help a patient overcome pain or to live with less pain. Jesse’s work experience includes motor vehicle accidents, daily aches and pains, headaches, sports injuries, workplace accidents, long term disability. He has supported Veterans Affairs Canada, care in nursing homes, home visits, and provided physiotherapy to children in the local schools through Horizon’s Child and Youth Team.

The physiotherapist’s role is to give patients tools to improve their lives, and one of these tools usually involves exercise and strengthening of muscles. Other treatments that are performed by Jesse are laser therapy and acupuncture. Treatment plans are customized for the patient with a goal for improvement.