Posted on Oct 16, 2020
Member Profile - Robert Kimball
Robert has been a Rotarian since the Spring of 2009. He has served as Past President of the Sussex Rotary Club and current District 7810 Area 4 Rotary Governor. Robert joined Rotary for the opportunity to meet more friends and local leaders, to help build his network and leadership skills, and to travel for Rotary and give back through these initiatives.

Most importantly, Robert joined to show his kids the importance of volunteering and being a part of a community.
Of the three facts Robert has listed, can you guess which one is NOT true?
- Robert has been a Craft Beer Connoisseur since 2009 (before it was cool) and has tried over 2650 different beers.
- Robert spent 4 years in Florida building roller coasters in a former career but decided to come back to join the family business in 2005.
- Robert has Co-Hosted Rotary Vocational Exchange guests from Brazil and India and loves to try new food from countries around the world.