Posted on Sep 25, 2017
Starup New Brunswick

Our guest speaker on Sept 25, 2017, was Rivers Corbett. Rotarian Paul Kearley introduced Rivers, described as a “serial entrepreneur.

Rivers has started several different companies and has received numerous business awards, including the 2015 Business Person of the Year.

Rivers is a founding board member of Startup Canada and most recently joined Opportunities New Brunswick (ONB) as their first entrepreneur in residence...

Rivers Corbett spoke about the growth of Startup Canada communities in New Brunswick, which started in Fredericton and now has expanded to eight cities, including Sussex.
Matt White, Cathy MacLeod, and Jamie Kindred are among the Sussex organizers.

Startup Canada is committed to developing programs, supporting empowerment, accelerating growth, and connecting entrepreneurs across Atlantic Canada. Rivers is presently working for ONB.

Rivers was asked about the new tax law and the impact that this is going to have on the growth of small businesses. Although the organization was formed to help entrepreneurs, Startup Canada is increasingly being asked about the tax implications of proposed legislation. Rivers hopes that his organization can have an impact as a lobby group to affect changes to tax reforms and also to promote small businesses.

Rotarian Donna Gilchrist thanked Rivers, and a children’s book will be donated to the Library in his name as a token of our thanks.