Posted on Apr 29, 2019
Sussex Hospice

On April 29, 2019, Rotarian Shelley Vail introduced Theresa Teakles of the Sussex Hospice as our guest speaker. Theresa has been involved with Hospice for 11 years and is currently their chairperson. Sussex Hospice is a community based non-profit organization in Sussex and has been providing care to people in the final stages of their life since 2003...

Sussex Hospice visits individuals in their homes, hospital or nursing home. Volunteers receive free training on how to handle end-of-life situations. Services provided are emotional, social, practical, spiritual and grief support, as well as providing information and education to individuals and families.

They rely solely on donations and volunteers. Their two main fundraisers are the Annual Harvest Dance and Silent Auction, and Angels Remembered. Rotary of Sussex contributed $500 last year, and they are asking for our support again.

Referrals to Hospice can come from a physician, extra-mural or anyone can call.

Theresa Teakles left brochures about the program explaining how to get involved with volunteering.