Posted on Dec 11, 2017
Sussex School Band Program

On Dec. 11, 2017, Rotarian Rhoda Wilson introduced Anna Clarke, a Grade 12 student at Sussex Regional High School and a member of the school band, and Jeanette Fisher, who has been a music teacher for the last seven years at Sussex Middle School.

Anna’s interest in music started at an early age. At first, Anna’s enthusiasm was singing, but as the opportunity came along, she joined the school band. Anna resisted the temptation to quit the band when her mother insisted that she must remain in the group for the entire year, which later unfolded to provide an experience to travel and see other bands and quality musical performances...

Presently there are more than 70 different students involved in four various programs. There is a beginning elementary school band, and more experience band for the elementary grades, a combined Middle School and High School band, and a High School Jazz band.

Jeanette Fisher shared that the school curriculum allows for 12 weeks of music instruction, which is not enough time to learn a musical instrument. The band program is extracurricular and has a $100 band fee. There are many benefits to learning music and developing artistic skills. Music increases memory capacity – up 34%, improves motor skills by using hands, refines time management and organization skills, builds confidence, helps with reading and math, teaches perseverance, sharpens concentration, relieves stress, provides a means of self-expression, and uses both sides of the brain.

One of the band’s greatest needs is for new instruments as these are very costly. Jeanette presented a list of needed instruments and finished by showing the Club the video that the band had done for the Sobey’s video competition, “Star of Christmas.”

 Rotarian Harold Lowe thanked our guest speakers