Posted on Jun 20, 2016
Tim Durling - Portage

On June 20, 2016, Rotarian Angie Cummings introduced Tim During of Portage as our speaker.

Tim grew up in Sussex is a Clinical Counsellor at Portage, has a business called Pallet Works, and works with addiction programs in Moncton.

Tim spoke of how his choices in life led to severe problems with addiction, finally resulting in a year and a half prison sentence. Tim described himself as a recovering addict who has chosen to reach out to others, particularly teens and help them deal with their struggles in life...

Tim works at Portage and also with drop-in programs like The Chase and U-Turns in Moncton. Every individual has a story of what led them to pursue drugs and then continuing into further addictions.

Tim believes in giving positive youth activities to help mend. Tim has chosen both physical fitness and art as outlets for himself. He regularly works out on a fitness ball, and creatively, he runs Pallet Works.

Tim encourages the youth to share their stories as this helps in the healing process.

Rhoda thanked Tim for his presentation and commended him for moving ahead in his life and coming alongside students at Portage who are in need of the support that he can offer because he has walked a journey similar to theirs.