Posted on Oct 06, 2014
Tir na nOg Forest School

Rotary’s speaker on Oct. 6, 2014, was Mrs. Liza Brown, Tir na nOg Forest School.

Rotarian Sandra Moon welcomed Liza Brown to the Sussex Rotary Club as the owner of Tir na nOg Forest School for preschool outdoor learning...

Liza Brown spoke on the programs and development of the Tir na nOg Forest School for preschool outdoor learning. Tir na nOg Forest School

  •  Tir na nOg Forest School is an outdoor education experience
  •  The school's approach involves moving away from computers and human-made devices to embrace nature
  •  Outdoor learning for up to 10 students per session 
  •  School expanded to a second location in Saint John in 2014
  • Two full days a week during all weather conditions. 
  •  At Tir na nOg Forest School we believe that hands-on experiential learning is the best educational approach for children. 
  • Outdoors provides children not only fresh air; it encourages imaginative play, creativity, hand-eye coordination, balance, physical strength and mental clarity. 
  •  When children's natural curiosity is stimulated, learning flows. 
  •  The school's program is guided by our educators. However, the day remains flexible and follows the energy and lead of the children. 
  •  Liza provided many first-year experiences and presented a slideshow of the school's first year and a video that had over 40,000 hits on Youtube. 
Liza brought along a newspaper article (right) to show the Club of when she won the Rotary Youth Merit Award from our Club in 1988. 

Rotarian Kathy Carver thanked Liza for her interesting presentation. She presented her with a Rotary Club of Sussex Charitable Trusts, Inc. luggage tag as a token of our appreciation for her talk.